quarta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2009
Student theater "Bullying at school: I'm out!"
Scenario: classroom
Gabi: new student
Roberta: leading the clueless
Fernanda: patricinha
Patricia: patricinha
Guilherme: shy boy
Students: extras
(Teacher's desk, chairs lined up, forming a classroom)
Gabi: Wow! What law school! I'm excited to make new friends!
(Enter the class doing riot, war balls and paper airplanes)
Gabi: Wow! This guys is cool! I will take a lot! (Whispering)
(Enters the teacher and everyone is silent)
Teacher: Hello, guys!
All: Hello, teacher!
Teacher: I want you to know Gabriela, a new student in the class!
Gabi: (standing up) Hello to all classmates! You can call me Gabi!
Professor: Welcome Gabi!
Gabi: Thank you, teacher! (All smiles and animated)
Teacher: I hope that all students treat well our new student. Okay, guys?
All: Right!
Teacher: Well, today's lesson is about verb! Copying the duty of the frame!
Gabi: How beautiful! I am so happy with the new school! Many colleagues in the room! Those girls should there be cool stuff! I'll just fit in with them!
Gabi: (turning to talk to Roberta, Fernanda and Patricia) Hi, girls! What is the name of you?
Fernanda: I'm Fernanda (disinterestedly)
Patricia, I am Patricia (cynically)
Roberta: I'm Roberta, leader of the Bad Girls (intimidating).
All: Hahaha! (Find all free)
Gabi: What are you laughing? What is the joke? I also want to laugh!
Fernanda: The joke's on you! (Laughing)
Gabi: I? How so?
Patricia: It Yourself! Look to your ridiculous hair!
Fernanda: Very ugly! Hahaha!
Roberta: How very childish! Grow up, girl!
(Gabi gets scared and turns to his duty all sad)
Gabi: Oh! My first day of school! I made no friends!
(William arrives and sits next to her)
William: Hi .. Gabi! (Shy) I. .. 'm ... Guilherme!
Gabi: Hi .. Guilherme!
(The two are still looking for one another in a more quiet)
William: Bye!
Gabi: Bye! Alas, I need to do anything to join a group of Roberta! I know! I'll take the pigtails of my hair! Thus, they will accept me in a good group of them! (And take hair accessories)
(She returns his attention to them)
Gabi: Ready, girls! I changed my look, look! Now I can join the group of you, right?
Roberta: Well yes you can get in our group ...
Gabi: Cool!
Roberta: But from the waist down!
Fernanda and Patricia: Hahahaha!
Gabi: How so? I do not understand!
Roberta: Get real, girl! See your size?
Fernanda: Very Low!
Patricia: Dwarf!
Roberta: Dwarf!
All: Hahahaha!
Patricia: You'll never get in our group!
Roberta: Calm, Patricia! Let's give her a chance to join our group! (Plotting)
Gabi: Really? Then, we thank you!
Fernanda: Chance?
Patricia: That one in our group? Seriously, Roberta!
Roberta: Calm down, girls! It is this: you have to kiss a boy's room.
Gabi: Kissing?
Patricia: Do not tell me you've never kissed a boy?
Gabi: I? No. .. is ... say ... Not so ...
Fernanda: Like what?
Gabi: So, without knowing who.
Roberta: But you know who he is! It's beautiful (laughing).
Gabi: Who?
Roberta: Guilherme!
Patricia: The shy boy! Hahaha!
Fernanda: Hahaha!
Gabi: Oh, people! I. .. I can not do this ...
Roberta: Do not have this, Gabi! Already'll call William.
Gabi: No, wait!
Roberta: Guilherme! Come here, Gabi wants to make you a little question! (Guilherme approaches)
William: You talk to me, Gabi?
Gabi: It's ... I ... not ... is .. I mean ... I ... you know!
William: How so?
Gabi: I want you to ... and I ... say .... you .. help me do my homework. Will you help me?
William: Of course!
Roberta: Guys, listen to this! The Gabi and Guilherme are lovers!
All: (screaming) Valentines!
Professor: Silence, gang!
(The class is silent)
Teacher: Roberta, Fernanda and Patricia! Have finished copying the duty of the board?
Roberta: We're breaking up, Professor!
(Gabi and William return to duty, each in his wallet)
(The bell rings, everyone comes out to the range. Gabi William and prefer to stay in the room ashamed to face the classmates)
William: You're not going to break?
Gabi: Oh .. do not know .. I'd better stay here, in my quiet! And you?
William: It's ... I always step interval Classroom same ..
Gabi: Really? But why?
William: Oh, you know! They ... students ... do not like me ... always call me BV and other nicknames ...
Gabi: But this can not go on like this ... We can not accept that people like Roberta do with us whatever you want ... Treating people poorly ... humiliating us in front of everyone.
William: I know ... but what can we do?
Gabi: We can tell the teacher ... director for ... call our parents!
William: This is worse ... will end up calling the people of sycophant ... little child ... Sonny Mommy-...
Gabi: Oh ... but this situation can not continue like this ...
(Touches the signal) (Roberta arrive, Fernanda and Patricia)
Fernanda: Look, girls! The lovebirds are getting along.
Patricia: "Love is Beautiful" ... Hahaha!
Roberta: Huuum ... will it roll a kiss today ... huh?
All: Beija ... kisses .. kisses!
Gabi: Stop it, girls! I will not accept your silly jokes!
Fernanda: Hum! The dove was mad!
Roberta: What will you do, your cap?
Gabi: I'll do whatever it takes to end this humiliation I and William are suffering!
Roberta: Really? We will see!
(Roberta tries to grab the hair from Gabi that deviates, and the ground pushes Roberta) (William leaves the scene)
Roberta: Girls, hold Gabi! Today she will learn not to mess with me!
All: Fight! Fight!
(The girls hold Gabi that becomes the target of Roberta)
Teacher: What is going on here?! Roberta, Fernanda and Patricia, which were plotting against Gabriela! I know?
Roberta: Nothing to teacher! (The girls are silent)
Professor: Needless to say no more! Guillermo called me to see everything we were up! You will be suspended and their parents will be called to come to school! Disrespect to the colleague is a very serious thing!
(The girls leave)
Professor: Everybody back to their seats! Let's return to the classroom!
Gabi: William, you were super nice to me!
William: That nothing, Gabi! You're with me which was nice because it made me work up the courage to take this attitude of the teacher to stop calling Roberta!
Gabi: I do not know how to thank you!
William: No need! Just be friends, right?
(Gabi motions so grateful and with a kiss on the cheek. After the kiss, the two return to their seats ashamed and happy)
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